2016 - Started MBO 4

Started MBO 4 - Application development at ROC Leiden. This education was focused on developing web applications. This is where I learned the basic fundamentals of programming.

2017/2018 - Internships and Graduation MBO 4

During this period I leveled up my development skills trough my classes, and two internships I did at Emerald-IT. throughout these internships I worked on a variety of websites using the companies MVC framework. This had a mayor positive impact on my skills. Eventually I Graduated at ROC Leiden in 2018.

2018 - Started Bachelor Computer Science

MBO 4 was a great start, however I felt no where near ready to work. Hence I decided to enroll in a HBO Computer science education, at University of Applied Sciences Leiden. After the first year I specialised in Business Data Management (BDAM)

2021 - Internships and Minor

At HBO I was also Required to do an internship. I had the fortune of being able to do another internship at Emerald-IT. throughout the course of this internship I worked on a speaker diarization system, which you can read more about here. During this year I also started my Minor in Trading & Investing at The Hague University